Living with Afib

Atrial fibrillation (or Afib) is a type of irregular heart rhythm that affects more than 5 million Americans. This comprehensive free new guide describes Afib, why it increases stroke risk and how you can help manage it. It’s a great reference for caregivers too!
A younger Black woman and older Black woman are dancing in a kitchen.
Spasticity is one of the most common post-stroke conditions. Know the signs and symptoms. Get the spasticity checklist

Handling Personality Changes

After a stroke, emotional, behavior and cognitive changes may occur. This can cause stress and anxiety for stroke survivors, caregivers and their families. Treatment options are available.

Watch the Personality Changes video to learn more

Your Support Helps Save Lives

Two women hugging and smiling

We depend on your support to fund groundbreaking research, increase access to care, train millions in CPR and help save lives. Give now to protect the hearts and minds you love.

For Patients and Caregivers:

Stroke Warning Signs

Recognize the warning signs and call 9-1-1 immediately. This can make the difference between a strong recovery and disability or even death. 

Stroke Prevention

Whole body wellness can help you feel stronger, healthier and mentally sharp – and it can also reduce your stroke risk.

Stroke Recovery

There is life – and hope – after stroke. With time, new routines will become second nature. Rehabilitation can build your strength, capability and confidence.

For Healthcare Professionals:

Cryptogenic Stroke

Our updated Healthcare Professional Guide can help diagnose the underlying reason for cryptogenic stroke and tailor prevention plans for your patients.

EMS Routing

Consensus recommendations can help ensure acute stroke patients are triaged to the facility.

Secondary Prevention

Our May 2021 Guideline provides clinicians with the latest evidence-based recommendations for preventing another stroke.

By learning the F.A.S.T. warning signs, you just might save a life from stroke.

Letter F

Face Drooping

Ask the person to smile. Is the person's smile uneven?
letter A

Arm Weakness

Ask the person to raise both arms. Does one arm drift downward?
letter S


Is the person unable to speak or hard to understand? Ask the person to repeat a simple sentence, like "The sky is blue."
Letter t

Time to Call 9-1-1

Check the time so you'll know when the first symptoms appeared.

Aphasia and Stroke

This common post-stroke language disorder affects the ability to communicate, causing frustration and confusion. Treatment and strategies can help – check out our fact sheets, tips and other resources.

Stroke Support Groups

Connect with others with similar experiences, learn helpful information and help ease the depression and isolation that’s common after stroke. Use our support group finder for a list of groups near you.
a group of people in red t-shirts riding stationary bikes in a park setting


Energizing a nation to get brain and heart healthy through the power of the bicycle.

Be a stroke hero. Donate today.

Your gift contributes to breakthrough research, advocacy, and more lives saved from heart disease and stroke!

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