Grocery Shopping

After a stroke, household tasks can become difficult or stressful, and trips to the grocery store are no exception. Here are a few helpful tips for making a grocery list:
1 Plan your meals for the week.
Keep recipes, grocery lists, receipts and coupons in one place for easy planning.
2 Make a list and stick to it.
Be specific. Jot down the quantity you need and note any coupons you have.
3 Know what you have on hand.
Check your pantry, fridge and freezer before going to the grocery store.
4 Think about the grocery store layout.
Try to organize your list into categories based on where things are located at your grocery store.
5 Shop early.
This way you can avoid the crowds.
6 Bring your assistive devices.
For example:
- A reacher will help you grasp items on higher shelves.
- A non-slip glove will give you a firm grip.
An organized list will save time in the store and keep your mind on your task. You can also check if your grocer offers an app or online shopping list builder. This makes it easier to add items to your list and repeat purchases. You can also take advantage of in-store coupons and weekly specials to stay within your budget.
Ask a family member or friend to go with you to the store. And remember, many grocery stores deliver for a small charge or offer free curbside pickup. These easy, dependable, time-saving options can make your life easier.