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Support Group for Adults Living with Brain Injury and Concussion or Stroke



Meeting Details


This support group is designed to serve adults living with any form of acquired brain injury. Facilitated by Carol Howard-Wooten, MFT and stroke survivor. Coping strategies are identified and practiced. Topics covered include:

Handling emotions and impulses
Improving memory and focus
Creating a daily routine and schedule
Managing stress
Increase problem-solving ability
Accessing resources
Improving communication skills
Learning about the brain



Educational support, Emotional support, Social support


Stroke (hemorrhagic) survivors, Stroke (ischemic) survivors, Traumatic brain injury

Please contact the support group before arriving to confirm meeting location, date, and time.

Disclaimer: Our stroke support group registry includes groups that are independent of American Stroke Association. Discussion topics do not necessarily reflect the views of the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association.