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UW Medicine's Virtual Stroke Club

Caregivers, Survivors

Meeting Type: Virtual Meeting


Meeting Details


UW Medicine's virtual stroke club is available to all stroke survivors and caregivers. The group is to help lay the foundation for recovery and transition into life after a stroke. Members of the UW Medicine stroke care team will be available to answer questions and review educational topics.

Meets the 2nd Tuesday of every month
6-7pm on odd months (Jan, March, May, July, Sept, Nov)
12-1pm on even months (Feb, April, June, Aug, Oct, Dec)


No registration needed.


Educational support, Social support, Caregivers welcome, Online support


Stroke (hemorrhagic) survivors, Stroke (ischemic) survivors

Please contact the support group before arriving to confirm meeting location, date, and time.

Disclaimer: Our stroke support group registry includes groups that are independent of American Stroke Association. Discussion topics do not necessarily reflect the views of the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association.