5 Key Facts About Stroke


 5 Key Facts About Stroke infographic

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American Stroke Association
A division of the American Heart Association
Together to End Stroke®

F A C T #1:
stroke kills brain cells
Stroke happens when a clot or rupture interrupts blood flow to the brain. Without oxygen-rich blood, brain cells die.

F A C T #2:
types of stroke

Ischemic caused by a clot,
Hemorrhagic caused by a rupture and Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) or
“warning stroke” caused by a temporary blockage.

F A C T #3:
about one in four stroke
survivors is at
risk for another

Fortunately, up to 80 percent of second clot-related strokes may be preventable.

F A C T #4:
prevention is key

Had a stroke? Work with your doctor to identify the cause and create a plan to prevent another. This may include managing high blood pressure, making healthy lifestyle choices and taking medications as
recommended by your doctor.

After an ischemic stroke or TIA, most patients will be prescribed an antiplatelet or anticoagulant therapy.

F A C T #5:
time lost
is brain lost
Now that you know prevention, here’s how you spot one.

Learn the FAST warning signs:

Face Drooping

Arm Weakness

Speech Difficulty

Time to Call 911


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The HCA Healthcare Foundation is a national supporter of Together to End Stroke.